I still find it hard having to deal with smug religious people. But, as a Christian, I must do as my LORD commands me.....and love them just the same.
I HAVE come to the conclusion that I don't have to deal with ANYONE who is going to stress me......not right now.....at this point in my life. So let the religious folks continue being smuggy. Let those who dislike me continue to have me be a thorn in their side. Let family continue to side with smuggy people and believe their lies. Let family continue choosing their sins over visits from me.
My heart is pure and clean before my Heavenly Father.....and that's all I have to know. If God decides to take me home with my next breath, I will BE HOME FOR GOOD!! No fears. No regrets. Not for ME anyways.
So, if I don't talk to you and I ignore you, it's for my own good. If I sit quietly and watch your actions, then decide to write about it, it's for my entertainment......and the entertainment of others. If you don't like me writing about your actions.....then STOP acting so foolishly.
I don't hate ANYONE!! I DO dislike some people's attitudes and actions.....but so does JESUS!! Disliking sin doesn't make me a sinner. I still love the sinner, smugger, and family members acting so foolishly. And I'm still going to entertain myself by writing....as long as you continue to entertain me by acting the fool.
I have always entertained myself by watching others.
I will continue telling things 'the way I see it'.
Let the entertainment continue..........
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