Friday, November 19, 2010

Junk Be Gone

FINALLY!!!!  I think my sweet one has finally REALLY let the past go.  I don't really know what made things click.  And I hope she doesnt' get upset for this writing.  I do, after all, write to ease my stress.  You know.....take it out...put it on paper....walk away.....all better :)

I wonder if it was the text I sent her yesterday morning.  I told her the following: "YOU ARE SPECIAL!!!  You just don't see it yet.  And you don't need a guy to make you feel special.  Look to God!!  He'll show you how special you are......since you don't believe me and apparently I'm not doing a good enough job."  She is VERY special.  She needs to know that.

Or the finality of throwing the rest of past junk's junk in the dump this morning.  I'm sure that must have been exhilarating. I am certain some $$$ were thrown away.  OUCH!!  I hope that hurts :)
She came back with no load on her pretty little shoulders.  I've been on her for a few months now to get rid of the junk left by that evil being.  I wonder why she kept it for so long.  NO!!!  I don't really want to know.  She told me the only thing left was a rather beautifully written book.  She kept it because she knows how I feel about books.  I love them.  But I told her that I DON"T CARE!!!  Throw EVERYTHING AWAY!!  I'd rather buy the book than have one that was left by evil.

Or maybe it was just answered prayer by my Heavenly Father for my daughter's happiness.  She is no longer unhappy in the least little way.  It's amazing what getting rid of junk in your life can do for your spirit.  I know it thrills me when I get rid of junk in my life.

I'm glad. When she gets upset, unhappy, angry, etc.....I don't take it very well.  I had written the following to post here, but God stopped me.  But I will put it now.....because I am no longer angry.....and just so you will know what state of mind this Mamma gets in when her daughter gets in disarray.
     "I think the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who mistreat one of God's children....especially a young one.  So to all the ones out there who have mistreated my WHATEVER a Mamma, I hope you rot there.  I hope all your lives and endeavors end in EPIC FAILS!!  I'm praying they do.  As a Christian, I hope you don't.  But right now, I'm rooting for Mamma!"
My daughter's happiness is of the utmost importance to me.  And her life being evil free.....junk free.....and fake friend also important to me.  And I will do EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to keep garbage out of her life from now on.  I have let my guard down in the past....but I WILL NOT make that mistake again.  With ANYONE!!!  Not with "I'm just pretending to be a Christian to get your daughter' boys taking advantage of her innocence (and YES!!...she's still innocent), not with religious people blaming her for other's evil doings, not with the religious society wanting to squash her God-given abilities and talents, and not with family/friends doing her wrong (for whatever reason) long as there is breath in my body, I will do by BEST to protect my daughter from YOU!!!!

I even have these lingering thoughts...but I'm NOT angry.  It's kinda weird being this calm (and at peace) and having these thoughts.  But I do.  I'm sure they will go away in time, but I really hope not.  This person really doesn't deserve a life. I think this person needs to suffer.....but I hope, in the end, they make it to heaven. I'll even greet them at the pearly gates.  But in the mean-time..... These were those thoughts:
By the prayer has not changed for one among you.  Your future life will reveal who you the prayer I still pray.  I pray that your life, you're career, your ministry (it's fake because godly people don't act as you do), your future with a family, ANYTHING you do....ends in EPIC FAILS!  I know that sounds like the writings of an angry person....but it's really not.  Just don't want this stuff in my head anymore, so I'm putting it out.
I hope you stay the poor pathetic worm you are now.  A sorry, worthless, sleazy, lonely soul destined for failure because your parents made you stupid.  That's what happens when parents care more about themselves than helping their children.  They didn't care enough about you, when you were little, to spend time with you to help with your ADD....they were too busy pursuing the almighty dollar.  So they drugged you (sedated you like an animal) to make you more manageable.  Too bad you didn't turn out like the princess. Your parents turned you into a looser.  Your destiny is to be a looser, since you chose the maniacal, money hungry loons that turned you into one.  You had a chance at a better life and you blew it.  You're such a sucker.  
And YES!!!  I do have MY opinions on ADD & ADHD.  They are mine.....I have a right to them.  So no need getting your knickers in a wad.

Am I angry now?  Nope!  I'm really not!!  She's happy.....I'm happy.  I'm happy anyways. I'm just dying (who isn't), and probably will, if I don't get a new heart....but hey.....I'm happy!!  No worries.  My God will deliver!!  And protect!!!  AND PUNISH!!!  Of that....I AM SURE!!!
(Read your Bible people!  What happened to anyone who did harm to God's children?  I'm not wishing for something that God hasn't already proven He does.  Just be glad I'm not going to extremes-like in Bible times.)
 I DO get angry.....or more like VERY frustrated..... when she's troubled and I can't do anything about it.  I'm her Mamma, what do you expect? Mothers are supposed to protect their children.  I'm realizing there are SOME THINGS that you can't protect them from......and that's hard to get a grip on.
But that doesn't' change the fact that I think those who do harm to one of God's children (in WHATEVER capacity) need to suffer somehow.  I am, after all, only human.  To the others mentioned, I don't wish anything, one way or the other, for you.  You just exist....that's all.
On another note.....I'm wondering if we made a boo-boo buying tickets to a hockey

From what I've's dangerous :D

This oughta be LOADS OF FUN!!!