Maybe it's just me, but I think people make way to big a deal about DEATH and what to do with their, or their loved ones, physical bodies after the soul and spirit leave it. Funerals, memorials, the Body Farm, donation to science, organ donation....the list goes on and on.
What's the BIG DEAL!!
Yes!! You're loved one is not physically present with you anymore. That doesn't make them dead. It just makes their place of residence some where else. You know....Heaven or Hell!
I know if my daughter was to die, I would miss her like crazy. Probably wouldn't want to go on. But NOT because she's dead. But because I would miss her physical presence with me every day. She's not really dead. She's just moved somewhere else, and I know I'll see her again when it's my time to pass from this life to the next.
If you think I'm bizarre, that's OK! Being bizarre is really pretty cool :D
We had a family discussion on living wills last night. Family being Me, my daughter, Donna (sister), John (nephew), Megan (sister), dad, and mom. The family discussion was brought about by your's The topic of discussion didn't sit too well with anyone......but for different reasons.
Dad said he was going to make out a living will. And he was just 'feeling us out' to see if he really needed to make one. And YEP!!! He does. Since at least ONE PERSON might not adhere to his medical wishes, he has to do the will. That's when things got heated, but at least everyone left the table nicely....and not in anger. Everyone just understands that each person has their own opinions about 'deathy' topics.
The main topic of discussion (I think) was 'pulling the plug' and abiding by someone's last wishes. Let's just say that MY WISHES BETTER BE ADHERED TO!!! And absolutely no one better talk my daughter out of adhering to my wishes. She AND I ALREADY KNOW OF TWO WHO WILL TRY!!!!
I think a person has the right to make out a living will, and I think family needs to respect those wishes NO MATTER WHAT......OR HOW BIZARRE they think they are.
Respect your loved one's last wishes! PLEASE!!
Another topic of discussion last night, was what to do with the body AFTER it's dead. Now there's a HOTTY for ya. WOOHOO!! Did it get hot last night :D Most people I know are 'old school' when it comes to stuff like that. You know, funerals, burials, etc.
Now what I'm fixing to say is my OWN PERSONAL OPINION, so don't go getting your knickers all in a wad. But, to me, a dead body is just a hunk of meat without a soul and spirit. Your soul and spirit are what makes you who you are. NOT THE FLESH!! Who cares what happens to the flesh after the ESSENCE OF YOU has left it. It's just meat people!! Does it really matter how you treat the dead meat after LIFE has left it? It shouldn't. You say, but what about respecting the dead? And I say, What about respecting the living!!
Now if the living WANT a funeral and burial that's fine. If they want to be cremated, that's fine too. And I also caught some slack on that last night. Some think it's un-biblical. What about the people who burned to death in fires, or sunk in the ocean? Will they go to hell because they weren't buried like everyone else in the Bible? I would hope not!
I can see where they are coming from though. Do as Christ and the Saints of Old did....have yourself buried. Just like baptism, right? If you don't get baptized, are you going to hell. NO!!
Anyway, back to the list. If the living want their dead bodies to go to science, or a medical center, that's fine. If they want to donate their bodies to the Body Farm, or be tossed into the ocean, that should be fine too. IT'S JUST A HUNK OF ROTTING FLESH!! What does it really matter? The ESSENCE OF 'YOU' is gone!!
Another topic that I opened my big mouth about last night, was talking to the dead. Not with seances (sp?). You know, going to the graveyard, parking your butt down near a loved one's grave and talking to them like they will answer you. They can't hear you. But if that makes YOU feel better, then by all means, talk away. I just don't want you to think they can really hear you. BUT GOD DOES!! And maybe if they are in Heaven with God, He will tell them you are thinking about them.
And I do apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings. That was not my intention. I was just stating my PERSONAL OPINION!! Y'all should know by now that I speak my mind.
I just personally think that's silly. But you'd have to view death from my eyes. And most people don't....except my daughter. If my daughter dies before me, be prepared. You will constantly hear me say that she is NOT REALLY DEAD!! She won't be. She will just be living somewhere else, and I know that one day I will see her again. And oh God, YES!!! I will miss her. I may not even want to continue on....but I know deep in my heart that she is not really dead. Parts of her won't be. She is an ORGAN DONOR!! And it also doesn't bother me one bit that she wants whats left of her rotting corpse to go to the Body rot away in some bizarre way so that Forensic Anthropologists can study the how, when, and where's of murder victims. I THINK THAT'S COOL!!
ME? I just want my body donated to a medical school for 'doctors in training' to practice on. What better way for me to be used in death, but how I was in life....ROTFL
And my daughter wants my 'original' heart in a jar to sit on a shelf. That's WAY COOL!! Wish I'd thought of that. I say 'original' because I'm thinking I might need me a new heart pretty soon. That's NOT way cool!!
If ANYONE reading this is AFRAID of DEATH.....maybe you need to have a little talk with God. I don't know of a genuine Christian ANYWHERE that is afraid of the grim reaper. Because WE KNOW where we are going!!
If not, you can be.
John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Don't you want the peace that only God can give you? Don't you want to KNOW you are going to Heaven when you die? I do. And I KNOW!! Maybe that's why I think death can be laughed about and joked about.
The late great Jake Hess says it best. Listen:
(You will have to scroll to the bottom and mute the other music player in order to hear Jake singing.)
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