Monday, August 16, 2010

Love vs Hate

Sometimes you just don't understand people.  You think you know a person.....only to find out later that they are hateful, mean, and harbor all kinds of malice in their hearts towards love and kindness.

They have either been like that all along and were fooling everyone....or turned that way as soon as they left for places unknown.  Either way, they are NOT who you thought they were.

How can a person hurt so deeply, and so badly the ones they 'supposedly' loved?  Did they REALLY love?  Are they even capable of love?  Some left behind think so.....others think not.  Whose to say?

I can say will come back to bite them when they least expect it....AND when they least want it.  Usually causing great deals of humiliation for them.

I feel sorry for them, in a way.  They are rejecting love and kindness for hate, meanness, and malice.  What kind of life is that?  Who would even want to live like that......especially when they DO NOT HAVE TO!!!!

There are people out there waiting with open arms to give them love, kindness, respect, dignity, and everything else they deserve......if only.....if only.

How about it?  Are you that person that was once loving and kind, but have now turned ugly, mean, hateful, and spiteful?  There are people out there waiting with open arms to receive you back into their arms, full of forgiveness for the hurt you have caused.

OR...are you that person waiting patiently with open arms for that lost and lonely loved one (who seems to have lost their 'love') to return to your arms?  They just have to have faith and trust God.  He will work it out in HIS time.  Just be patient and wait.....they will return.

May God bless those that patiently wait for that lost loved one to return.

And may God stir the hearts of those who have walked away in such a way that they cannot eat, cannot rest, cannot think clearly, until they have repented for their actions and  found their way back to their loved ones they walked away from.

My heart is burdened tonight.  I pray for those who have lost someone to hate and malice.  And I pray for those lost, that they will once again pray the sinner's prayer....make peace with God.....and make peace with those they have hurt.