Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thoughts This Sunday Morning

It's very difficult to move on with your life after tragedy strikes.  Everyone's tragedy is different.  Even when you know in your heart that something was meant to be, God gives everyone a free will.  And God will not stop others from leaving, even when it's NOT His will for them to leave.  As bad as it hurts God for His children to not listen to Him.....He will not stop them from exercising their free will.  It saddens Him to know the consequences they will endure because they chose their will instead of HIS.

Poor dog looks dopey, drunk, retarded. (No offense to those with actual mental disabilities.)

Oliver fights like a girl.

Finally getting paid for something I enjoy doing......playing the piano. *all smiles*

My husband knows how to make me sending me funny text pictures. *all smiles*

My angel looks beautiful this morning......all dressed up for church.  I Hope she will sing me song today. more time for thoughts.  Gotta leave for my "morning gig"