Tuesday, September 21, 2010

SBs, YOs, & the 'Church'

SB's = Stumbling Blocks
YO's = Young Ones
'Church' = People in the church and not necessarily the body of Christ as portrayed by the early church in the Bible.  I use ' ' sarcastically.

Stumbling blocks IN the church....you wouldn't want to believe it....but there IS!!!

You'd expect there to be SBs outside the church....but actually IN THE CHURCH?  That's just appalling!!!

And those who are causing young ones to stumble, had better look out.  God doesn't take too kindly to mess such as that.

Doesn't His word say in Matthew 19:14; mark 10:14; and Luke 18:16....."suffer the little children to come unto me, and FORBID them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven"?

And young ones in the church who are not heeding the Holy Spirit's leading BECAUSE of these particular SB's....please don't let these SB's cause you to ignore the HS.  Don't let them cause you to miss heaven.

Aim for heaven.....you won't be bothered by SB's there :)

Both are treading on dangerous ground.

But I think punishment will be worse for the SB's.....especially given the fact that they are the ADULTS here....and they are not acting like the "CHURCH" is supposed to act when it comes to being examples to the YOs.

I've about had my fill of the 'church' as it stands now.  This is NOT what Peter, Paul, and the other disciple had in mind.....an organized form of worship with way to many RULES & REGULATIONS, that one tends to loose sight of WHY WE REALLY GO TO CHURCH!!!

OK!!  This is going to be MY PERSONAL OPINION....so don't take what I say as Scripture.  But I think that the Church (in the capacity that it's used today), should be a training ground FOR these godly young people.  Seek out what their gifts (talents) are and nurture, mold, and develop those talents under the leadership and guidance of older Christians in the church.  They ARE the future of the church.


STOP TELLING THEM THEY'RE TO YOUNG TO DO THIS OR THAT!!  You're NOT God....you don't know if they are to young...or not.


GOD DOESN'T GO BY AGE!  He goes by spiritual maturity.  You may have a five year old on your hands with more spiritual maturity than an 80 year old.  But you're too BLINDED by what society deems mature that you don't see.

And in the mean time......young people are being lost because THEY SEE HOW THE 'CHURCH' ACTS.....AND WANT NO PART OF IT ANYMORE.

Yeah....I know I'm YELLING!!  I'm a bit angry at how the 'church' is acting nowadays.

And the 'church' wonders why they have no young people anymore.  Did they EVER STOP AND THINK that maybe it's THEM??

I think people in the church are to set in their ways, and they want to get all bent out of shape when a young person comes along with more insight and maturity than they have and wants to help out in the church....wants to actually 'get involved'!

They start quoting crap like "you're to young", or 'you're not old enough to do that'.

Oh wait!!  Wait just one cotton-pickin' minute!!!!

Something just HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS!!

I don't think it's the young person's age....I think it's the young person.  I don't think age has ANYTHING to do with it at all.  There are other young people in the 'church' with adult jobs....and these young people are 'shady'....to put it nicely.

I finally GET IT!

Oh....this is NOT going to end nicely....AT ALL!!!!

I'm truly sorry for all of you YOs out there who are facing the SBs!  Sorry that these SBs have stopped you from heeding the HS and what He would have you do.  The 'church' is going to be truly sorry.

Don't YOU be sorry too.  Do what the HS tells you to do. Not doing so could have unspeakable consequences that you don't want to face!

If these SB's want to stop you from heeding the HS.....GOD WILL DEAL WITH THEM!

But the real church, the church that functions as God intended, is going to be truly blessed....as it embraces YOs who listen and follow the HS's guidance.

This ought to be interesting!

DG's done gone and gotten MAD NOW!!!

And a FOOTNOTE and constant reminder:

This blog is entitled THE WAY I SEE IT!!

A place to write things......THE WAY I SEE IT! 

And also a place to share recipes and pictures. 
It's MY little neck of the woods. If you don't like what you read, then get out of the woods. 

The woods can be a scary place sometimes. BOO!!!!!