Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My God is a miracle-working God.  I've seen it, not only in my own life, but in the lives of those around me.  And it's not just physical miracles God is performing, it is spiritual and emotional as well.  I've seen God melt some of the coldest of hearts.  I've seen God save those others thought unsavable.  God is......words are eluding me at this point.  GOD IS - is sufficient enough.  Whatever your need is today, whether it's physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, let go of it, and let God do what He's good at.  God CAN heal, and He will.  God CAN save, and He will.  But we have to do our part - which is the hardest.  We have to have FAITH!!  And sometimes, it REALLY HARD to have faith - especially when you feel you've hit the lowest point in your life.  I've been there and faith doesn't come easy at that point.  But, that's when I feel like it's going to count the most.  Having faith when you've lost all hope - kinda hard to swallow, isn't it?? 
Trust in God and lean NOT on thy own understanding..... Our little miniscule minds can't even BEGIN to comprehend what God in heaven can do.  If it was possible from man's standpoint - He would just let us handle it ourselves.  God works with impossibilities. I like that!!  Nothing is impossible with God.  I think I'll meditate on that today.