Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wonders Never Cease to Amaze

Please read the following disclaimer CAREFULLY:   Before reading this blog, please read the title of said blog.  It reads, "The Way I See It".  Now that that's done, shall we begin :)

The NERVE of some people.  And before you read, this is not in any way a pity party.  Just telling it.....the way I see it.  :)      Here I am, struggling daily with my health, fighting with every fiber in my being to hang on just one more day...for my daughter, going above and beyond what I SHOULD do and get this....you ready for this....here goes......and I AM STILL EXPECTED TO PERFORM MANUAL LABOR for certain entities because everyone else did.  How absurd is that?  Everyone has their own talents that they contribute to said entity, and not everyone is able to do manual labor, but everyone contributes what they can.  And I'm sure they do the best that they can in that contribution.  I know I do.  I don't even have the strength to enjoy a decent shower anymore, or cook much anymore, and I'm even starting to get tired when I play my beloved  piano........ but I'm expected to wash, scrub, clean, build, etc just because everyone else did.  I would like to see these certain people walk in my shoes just for ONE HOUR.  ONE HOUR PEOPLE!!!!  JUST ONE tiring, stinking, struggling hour.  That's all.  Just one hour.  They would come graveling at my feet, begging me to take my life back.  I know I'm not long for this world, but I'll be a monkey's uncle (or aunt in my case...lol) if I'm going to go QUIETLY.  I'm going to my grave a kickin and a screamin......and the last thing out of my mouth will be....I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK.  Oh, sorry!  That's gonna be the next to last thing out of my mouth.  The last thing out of my mouth will be I TOLD YOU SO.  And then ensuing laughter will be heard as they lower my cold, dead, starting to stink and rot body into the ground.

The reason this is not a pity party.....I cope, I keep on trucking, I deal with what life throws at me,  I remember God said that he would not put on us more than we could bear, I actually would rather have my heart than alot of other peoples cold stony hearts, I would rather have this lot in life than other diseases, I would rather be the me God made than the me others want to mold me into being, and I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's I know.  I wouldn't want some of their pitiful, miserable lives.  I may have a heart condition that keeps me down a lot....but my life is far from pitiful or miserable.  My life is full of wonder, love, & laughter.

And before anyone goes whining and running to this said entity's leader, please remember reading the disclaimer at the beginning of this entry.  It is, after all......THE WAY I SEE IT!!!


Unknown said...

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Covnitkepr1 said...

If you put a followers widget up...I'd gladly follow. I do invite you to follow my blog.

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd