Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Still Small Voices and Brains

I woke up this morning to a note on the board that said the internet did not work, and instructions on how to fix which I laughed.

I got on my computer and sure enough, something was wrong.  Something about a PPP address and the username and password being wrong.  So....I start messing with different passwords....nothing.  I unplug the DSL and plug it back in....nothing.

Getting frustrated, I am ready to call ATT customer service.  But I REALLY HATE doing that, because most of the time I get someone who can't speak and doesn't understand ENGLISH!!!  I knew I was in for some stress if I had to call.  I started praying for God to help me.

He did!!!

I sit staring at my computer screen, wondering what to do, when something (or someone) tells me to hit the reset button on the back of the DSL box.  I drag the DSL box back out, find a pen to  mash the button with, press and hold for 10 seconds, and let go.

By this time, I am SOB from holding my breath that long.  I close my eyes while I wait for all the green lights to come on.  Well....I may be peeking with one eye open.  It's taking forever!!!  The internet light FINALLY starts blinking.....and after what seems like an eternity it stays green.

Once again, holding my breath, I click on the i-net button to connect to the internet.  IT WORKS!!!

I try very hard NOT to pat myself on the back and say, " a genius!!"  That would be VERY WRONG of me....since it wasn't MY still small voice that told me to hit the reset button.

So I THANKED GOD profusely and then texted my sweet darling to tell her 'IT'S WORKING'!!!

We are both thrilled.  We love our connection to the world.  And my hubby would have to admit....he does too.

Anyway....thank God for still small voices.....and brains (smarts).  Most people....well....we won't go there today.  Why ruin a perfectly good moment in time.

Everyone have a blessed day in the LORD!!