Monday, August 30, 2010

Windows To The Soul

You can tell alot about a person by looking into their eyes.  What do people think your eyes say about you?

I think a person's eyes are the window to their soul.

I know what my husband says about my eyes.  Which makes me wonder.....maybe I'm finally finding my soul after all these years.

My daughter's eyes ARE her soul.

You can read her by simply looking into her eyes.  Her eyes even tell her dad and I when she's sick.  Even when she doesn't feel sick....yet.

Her eyes are getting that sparkle back....that mischievous look in them again....that zest for life......that passion for God.

Her eyes are telling me that she is waiting, with eager anticipation, for what God has in store for her.

Her eyes are telling me that she knows there are bigger and better things for her.  And I think they are coming soon.

I love looking into peoples eyes when I'm talking to them.  I love gazing into the eyes of people in photos.  It's like gazing into their soul.

How about your eyes?  What do people think your eyes are saying about YOUR soul?