Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Life

Colossians 3:18-21

Things that stood out to me in my dad's sermon this morning.....and yeah....I caught the stuff about the wives, children, and parents to....but REALLY caught these two points.  I guess because we (my daughter and I) can RELATE!!!

Her's didn't wanna leave his he left her, and mine....let's just say that I think he'd protect himself first (he's done it before).

The points that the preacher (aka. dad) brought out were:

1.  Guys....if you're not willing to lay down your life for your wife....DON'T GET MARRIED!!

2.  Guys...if you're not willing to leave your mamma and daddy.....leave them at the homestead....and make a life for you and your wife.....DON'T GET MARRIED!!!!

3.  Ladies....if you have a guy that  is not willing to leave his mamma...DON'T MARRY HIM!!! (I wondered just how much 'the preacher' had been

The following was taken from my daughter's facebook post (she got the point too).  She said that the sermon helped her realize she REALLY DOES need to move on. That it made moving on easier to do. That God has someone better for her out there.  Her post:

1. "Genesis 2:24 says that a MAN shall leave his father and mother and and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one, men, if you can't leave mamma and daddy behind (still respect them, but leave them to make a future for you and your wife).....then DON'T GET MARRIED....because you are not marrying your mamma....." 

2. "If you are not willing to lay down your life for your wife and children.....DON'T GET MARRIED".....

I gave a big AMEN on these...especially to the first point.....being as I have had a experience with someone who didn't care to follow this guideline...oh...he also added...."ladies....if your man doesn't want to give up mamma and daddy....then DON'T MARRY THE GUY..."




End of her post.

Let's just say that today's sermon was an eye-opener to both of us.  We are both better equipped be wives and mothers.  And better equipped to follow God's guidelines concerning marriage, home, and children.

After the sermon, my two sweet 'little' angels were christened (Makalin and Chloe).  It was cute.  Makalin, not one for being in front of people, wanted to act up a little bit.  Grace stopped her from running to the back of the church.  Makalin falls to her knees and covers her head with her hands to keep daddy from baptizing  She finally settled down and sat on the alter beside her mamma and sister.  I sat next to her, to help 'focus' her.  She's such a character.  She lives up to her middle name....Unique.

We had 'family' day at the church.  Lots of families and children there.  I guess everyone enjoyed lunch.....I was enjoying Makalin, Grace, Megan, and Chloe.

No night service tonight.  So me, Grace, and Ronald played a game this afternoon (Pirate's Life).

All in all, I had a wonderful day.

I'm just glad Grace is finally able to truly move on.  We were meant to be there today.  I'm glad we were :)