Thursday, September 23, 2010

V-Tach, Flat-Line, & God Loves Me

I had an ECHO done on my heart today and had to go by myself.  NOT FUN!!

The tech (as usual) left the room to go get the head of the department to do my ECHO.  But, someone better was there.  She came back with the pediatric cardiologist that 'just happened' to be in the department at the time.  Mhm!

Two new things were mentioned during the procedure......ventricular tachycardia and Epstein's Anomaly.  Now I know what VT is, but I'm gonna have to do some research on the other term.  I've ran across it in readings, but didn't think it applied, so I ignored it.  Guess I better go back to the drawing board on that one.

The Ped Card told the tech that I had VT.....and I wanted to pipe up and say "yeah, and I also have flat-line".  I was watching the heartbeat on the monitor, and ever so often it would 'flat-line'.  I took videos of it when the tech left the room to go find the 'more qualified' person.

I noticed drawings and diagrams all over the front and back of my chart.  The tech told me that those were drawings of my heart to use as reference.

I was also told, by the tech when she was done, "God must really love you".  I wasn't sure what to say to that.  I was trying to figure out what she meant. That kinda freaked me out a bit, but then I got thinking....YES....God REALLY DOES LOVE ME!!  The doctors told my parents when I was 10, that I wouldn't live to be 21.  I'm 41!  I am blessed....and I AM loved :)

I will be FULL of questions when I go back to the doctor in November.

So to recap.....God must really love me.....Epstein's Anomaly was mentioned.....I now have ventricular tachycardia......and my heartbeat flat-lines sometimes.  I can feel it when it speeds up and when it skips.  That is making it very hard to sleep at night.

God is good.  And I know He will help me make the correct decision about whether or not to have a heart transplant.


Allie Weese said...

You have to wait until November to see what is up? Ugh.

Going through this whole health process, you always have your ups and downs and for some people it may cause religious doubts, for me-like you, it only strengthened my religious beliefs. For one breif moment I could not believe that God had let one small thing happen to me (delayed my schooling-I really love school) but then I realized that it was all part of his plan-and looking back on everything his plan was perfect and amazing!
I will definately be praying for you.
What did the internet say about the other thing the echo said, I already forget the name.

Allie Weese said...

You have to wait until November to see what is up? Ugh.

Going through this whole health process, you always have your ups and downs and for some people it may cause religious doubts, for me-like you, it only strengthened my religious beliefs. For one breif moment I could not believe that God had let one small thing happen to me (delayed my schooling-I really love school) but then I realized that it was all part of his plan-and looking back on everything his plan was perfect and amazing!
I will definately be praying for you.
What did the internet say about the other thing the echo said, I already forget the name.