Friday, October 15, 2010

Twenty Years

We are starting a 6 week celebration of Grace's birthday.  One that will have the most amazing end....I hope!!

It's amazing how the little things in life can make your child so very happy....even your almost 20 year old children. her it's a ginormous thing.  I finally relented and told her that we would go to Houston next month to see one of her favorite tenors sing (Ernie Haase) in concert.  AND for her birthday in December, she is getting to see her OTHER favorite tenor (David Phelps) in concert in Shreveport.

I was/am so DREADING that trip to Houston....but ONLY because me and driving in overly large cities don't mix to well....if you know what I mean.  My stress meter pops it's little red bubble at the top and heads for the

For that trip, we are leaving early that morning, heading to the gulf (because I'VE always wanted to), then on to the concert, only to drive back home after the concert.  One would think we would book a hotel for the night....but we can't.  She has to be at work the next morning by 8.  She said she didn't care....because IT WAS WORTH IT!!!! to Houston we go.  God help us :)

For our trip to see David Phelps in Shreveport, we WILL be spending the night in a hotel....even though we are only an hour and a half from our house.  The reason.....HER 20TH BIRTHDAY!!!  We are going on a 2 day shopping spree that will end with her getting to see David in concert.  AND we are going all out with a NICE hotel (hopefully near the Board Walk) and everything.  Hhmm....I wonder how much a limo would cost?!  JK!!  I think my sporty little Snow White will work just fine to chauffeur my 20 yo angel around in.  She just needs cleaned up a

I wonder about something else too....but I'm just gonna keep that to myself for now. *wink* *wink*

I cannot BELIEVE my baby will be turning 20 in about 6 weeks....hence the 6 week celebration.

I have had THE MOST AMAZING 20 years anyone could ever ask for.  People gripe and complain about my daughter (and me)....but that's what jealousy will do to people (other mothers - who for some horrible reason - never felt the need to mother their children). If you are going to have children.....for goodness sake BE a mother.  But that's another soapbox....for another time.

My purpose has ALWAYS been to be Grace's mamma.  And I have done that to the best of my ability....even if it meant sacrificing my wants...for hers.  It has been WORTH every sacrifice I, and my husband, have made.

Grace.....this is going to be an AWESOME birthday celebration.  YOU ROCK!!!