Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007

I hope everyone had a very blessed christmas. I know I did. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, I had this inner peace because I knew what I was celebrating. I was celebrating my savior's birth. Just think. Jesus, who was already in the ultimate place in the world, was willing to come to earth, to be born, grow up, and then to die - just for me. And you. What an awesome gift to give somebody. The gift of your life. That, my friends, is the ultimate gift. But, I also received other gifts as well. The top on that list was a kitten that my daughter gave me. I was really unsure about that, since I live in a 'zoo' with a black lab, a parakeet, a frog, a gerbil, a snake, a tarantula, and some hermit crabs (all my daughter's). But, she was absolutly sure that it would work. And you know what? AMAZINGLY IT HAS!!!!! Jesse (lab) has been very gracious in letting Solomon (kitten) into 'her' home. She is (from day one) been a truly remarkable dog. And my only childs loyal companion and friend. And I am deeply thankful for that. Now though, we are making room for another member, who at the moment is a handful, because of his age. I know he'll grow out of some of his playfulness, but hopefully not all of it. I named him Solomon after the wisest king who ever lived. I'm hoping he'll grow into his name and become a wise old cat.

I hope everyone had a merry christmas. And I especially hope that everyone reading this has accepted God's gift of salvation as their own.

God Bless.