Monday, May 12, 2008



Written by Tammy Barnett

For Mothers Day 2008

Love. Joy. Peace. Excitement. Longsuffering. Patience. Exasperation. Despair. Disappointment. All these feelings have tugged at a mothers heart at some point in her journey that began the day she gave birth to her first child.

Being a mom is the most rewarding (and sometimes the most disappointing) journey that any woman can take. Women who never have children for whatever reason, do not know what they are missing. I would not take anything in this world in exchange for motherhood. For me, being a mom has been a journey worth taking.

I did not think I could love like that. From the moment my bundle of joy came into this world I have loved life and thoroughly enjoyed raising her. I enjoyed teaching her about Jesus. I had fun teaching her to read and watching her as she struggled to write her ABCs. I have notebooks full of a 3 year old girls ABCs that I will keep and cherish forever. I loved reading her stories in those funny voices that I gave each character.

It broke my heart the first day she went off to school. I knew in my heart that she should not be there. But what was I to do. She had to learn. At this point I knew nothing of home schooling. It broke my heart even more to see how unhappy she was. I prayed and begged God to help me find a solution. He did. So now I do what I have always done anyway. I raise my daughter in God's word and I teach. And sometimes I learn. Both are extremely exciting.

I have watched my bundle of joy grow and mature into a beautiful, talented, kind, and gentle young lady. But most of all, she is a godly lady. I tell her she is not a teenager because she does not act like most teens do. She is not a teen at heart so why classify her as such is her thinking. It makes sense.

I am overjoyed that she sees me as her best friend. I feel blessed when she comes to ME with her problems and no one else. She chooses me. I am not saying that everything has been great. We do have our disagreements. After all, she is an individual. But overall, motherhood for me has been heaven on earth.

And to answer the question Dad posed to us last Sunday, What can Jesus do for you? He has already done it. He gave me the chance to be a mother. I would choose that above all else. Even health. I am content with motherhood.

Anything else is just an extra spoonful of honey in an already delicious cup of tea.