Monday, June 21, 2010

OK.......I'm going to give Aunt Polly a break today and write about another group of people......SMOKERS!!

Where to start.....where to start....oh about "SMOKERS are some of the RUDEST people in the world!!!  And I must be one of the NICEST people in the world, because I continue to let them blow their poison in my face....just because they are family.  I'm getting to the point where I HATE being excessively nice.  Excessively nice is going to KILL ME......literally!   I think it's already causing added health issues, on top of those I already have.  Being nice to smokers really does not pay off in the end.  They are way too self-absorbed to notice, or even care, that they are KILLING the rest of the population.  

Oh, I've got a thought!  Why don't we charge them with 1st degree murder?!  Let's take a look at the definition of this type of murder....shall we?!

       1.  In order for someone to be found guilty of first degree murder the government must prove that the person killed another person; (I'm sure science and research can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the 2nd & 3rd hand smoke we 'receive unwillingly' from smokers....KILLED US)

     2.  the person killed the other person with malice aforethought; and the killing was premeditated.

To kill with malice aforethought means to kill either deliberately and intentionally or recklessly with extreme disregard for human life.  (Oh, I think smokers are extremely aware of the health hazards to them and others around them.  And get this....THEY DON'T CARE!!!  Wouldn't that fall under 'extreme disregard for human life'.....and intentional?)

         3.  Premeditation means with planning or deliberation. The amount of time needed for premeditation of a killing depends on the person and the circumstances. It must be long enough, after forming the intent to kill, for the killer to have been fully conscious of the intent and to have considered the killing.  (They got this one covered....hands down.  Some of these 'premeditations' may take years.  And, again, smokers are very aware of the health hazards to themselves and OTHERS {the murdered party}, YES.....they make a conscious intent every time they 'light up'.  And in pondering the health hazards, they, in turn, have considered the killing.)

Sooo.....after careful consideration of the facts and the definition of the law of 1st degree murder your Honor......I find these defendants (the smokers) GUILTY of 1st degree murder in accordance with the law.  And also in accordance to the law (mine that I just made up), I sentence all smokers to be locked up in an airtight room, (they can have heat/air) and no way out......and let them SMOKE TIL THEIR HEART'S CONTENT!!  They will then die of the same causes that they murdered all those innocent people with.....their own poison.  What a way to die!!

And before anyone wants to get their nickers in a sentence to them is not in any way.....murder. might ask?  Well I'll tell you!  They can CHOOSE not to smoke and keep the air, and the room, pure for the duration of their life in confinement.  But I bet they won't.  Smokers are some of the rudest people in the world with no regard to themselves or others.  Why would they stop smoking NOW!!! 

We non-smokers, (the 'we're too nice to hurt your feelings and tell you to put your poison out' group) on the other hand, sometimes don't have a choice (we really don't....depending on the circumstances).  
Or maybe we do....and we are intentionally committing SUICIDE!  I should have known there was another side to this story......

Oh well!  I'll let the public decide who's it MURDER.....or is it SUICIDE??

I'll get back to Aunt Polly another day.  I know she's still up to no good.  I wonder!!